Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Belated NAN winners

So, I know NAN was five months ago, but I had to take pics of my babies with their ribbons. They finally got back from the proxy shower (I was slow), and look great other than Playgirl, who suffered an amputated tail. And while I work with the Post Office for insurance, I'll post these pictures.

The grouping is from left to right: Sebby, the Clyde foal, El Toro the Paso Fino, Playgirl Dunit Dancin the QH with extensive whites, and Zees Zexy the Zorse. All were Top Ten winners this year at NAN 08. Louis de Versailles, my cremello Lusitano, had enough points for a Top Ten, but lost out in a tie breaker.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

'Tis the season to get nothing done

First off, I hope everyone will have a joyous and festive holiday season. Mine will be spent with my husband over on the North Carolina coast (or at least I hope it will be, I need to fly there tomorrow - Christmas eve - so we'll see how that goes). The holiday season will by our first as husband and wife, but not our first together, as I've made this trip for several years now (much to my other sweetie's - Aerie - dismay). She misses her momma, but spends Christmas morning warm and toasty by my parent's fireplace, chewing on a new bone filled with peanut-buttery goodness.

As for the rest of my life activities, it always seems to stall this time of year. There's just so much to do. It's also sooo cooold! Not easy to spray a horse when it's 10 degrees outside and there's no place to spray. And if I can't spray, I can't pastel. Ah, the wonders of the medium. But, I have made some progress on my backlog.

Emboldened is taking shape nicely, and starting to get his detailing/hairing. Greys are amazingly beautiful, whether dappled or roaned out, but if you don't get the haired detailing, they looks some of their realism.

And, while staring at my standing Sal, I decided he needed more character. I could have made him yawning, but I already have a commission out for that (on a drastic Wintersong, can't wait to share). So, instead, he told me he wanted some testosterone. And a lot of it. I raised and sliced up his head to his cheeks, added a tongue, teeth and a twitchy upper lip, and deepened his neck and crest. He's no longer a gelding as well. Now he's a very noisy but interested stallion whinnying at his mares. If only I could decide on a mane/tail combination and a color... One step at a time I guess.

So, until the new year rolls around and I return from the "beach vacation" to the daily cold grind of a midwest winter, I bid you happy adieu and good feasting.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

New adventures

If time flies when you're having fun, I'm on cloud nine and going lightning speed. This has been one amazing year for me, both in the hobby and out. I finished masters classes, got four NAN Top Ten winners my first time showing, traveled to China for 10 weeks to cover the Olympics and Paralymics as part of the News Service, got married to the man of my dreams in a fairy-tale wedding, and started a new dream job as managing editor of publications at Barnes-Jewish Hospital here in St. Louis.

So, now that is all behind me. Phew! Breath in ... and out ...

Now what? Well, work is definitely busy, but that doesn't mean I don't have time for my other interests. On the workbench are many projects, both for me and others. First on the finishing block is a Deseoso commission. This guy is amazing to work on, even for an "older" model. The owner decided the long locks are out, so I sanded and resculpted his entire right side and both sides of his forehead before adding a nice french braid. The tail is also braided up, though may still change. He'll soon be a sooty dappled buckskin like Stormy and Claude, which I think will suit him nicely.
I'm also lucky enough to paint an artists' copy of the new Emboldened resin by Michelle Platt. This hunk is big and bad, and will be fun to get some color on. I was amazed to see how he fits onto his base (not by a peg, but just cradled by the hoof into a slot). I'm thinking a roaned out grey, since it can be used for either a thoroughbred or quarter horse racer.

I'm also awaiting another Stormy to arrive, who will get dressed in blue roan complete with pencil detailing. I can't wait to get to work on another Stormy.

Oh, but there are so many others here too. I can't even count all the resins that are naying for attention. Godiva, Bosco - actually, basically all of Morgen Kilbourn's sculptures are here waiting for thier turn. I have the new Brownie (soon to be two, they are multiplying), Mini Scarlett, two Mindy resins ... the list just keeps going. On the custom plastics, I have a couple Salineros in the sculpting stages, though both very different. One is now in extended trot, while the other is standing at rest (one hind leg bent). Maybe I'll be able to get to them in-between commissions.